As people become more adventurous with their diets and explore more unusual and traditional organic foods they often begin to wonder whether these foods will be suitable or safe for their dogs.
Amaranth is a food source that is becoming more common and many people are asking can dogs eat Amaranth?
Dogs can eat Amaranth, this food source has become more common among dog food manufacturers particularly in their gluten free recipes. Amaranth should always be properly cooked before feeding it to your dog.
Is Amaranth safe for dogs?
Amaranth seeds are safe for dogs to eat provided that they are properly cooked before they are fed.
Grains, such as Amaranth should not be fed to dogs that have grain allergies, but for most dogs this grain has high nutritional benefits and, the reality is that very few dogs have grain allergies.
It is advisable not to feed Amaranth to puppies or dogs that are unwell and to keep these dogs on a classic meat based diet to ensure that they get all the nutrition that they need.
What is Amaranth?
Amaranth is a gluten free grain that contains more nutrition than wheat. It offers lots of fibre, protein and micro nutrients.
Why is Amaranth good for my dog?
Amaranth grain is packed with nutrients and there are many that claim that it has anti inflammatory qualities, that it can lower cholesterol levels and help with weight loss.
This ancient grain is high in fibre and protein and it contains a large range of nutrients that are considered important to health and wellbeing.

Despite it’s qualities, Amaranth is a plant based food and should be used as an addition to your dog’s diet alongside traditional meat based dog foods so as to meet your carnivore’s needs.
Nutrients that dogs get from Amaranth
Amaranth has some great nutritional qualities for you and your dog.
When compared to other grains it is a great source of manganese, magnesium, phosphorous and iron.
It can help with brain function and is believed to protect against some conditions.
Every cup of Amaranth grain contains:
- 251 calories
- 9.3 grams of protein
- 46 grams of carbs
- 5.2 grams of fat
- Manganese
- Magnesium
- Phosphorous
- Iron
- Selenium
- Copper
Just a small amount of Amaranth can provide a healthy option for your dog when it is added to his meals.
How to add Amaranth to your dog’s diet
Whenever you plan to introduce a new food to your dog’s diet you should always do it slowly and gradually, adding small amounts of the new food to his regular meals.
If you introduce a new food, such as Amaranth, too quickly then you run the risk of upsetting your dog;s stomach.
The best way to introduce Amaranth is to add small quantities of the cooked grains to his food daily, slowly increasing the amount.
You should not feed more than a cupful and less than this to small breeds.
Amaranth should always be properly cooked and should be cold when added to your dog’s meals.
You cannot serve it uncooked and you cannot serve it on it’s own to your dog as he needs more nutrients and animal based fats and proteins in order to stay fit and healthy.
Adding a small amount to his daily meal is the best way to feed it.

Can I feed Amaranth every day?
Yes you can. Many of the modern mass produced dog foods contain amaranth as a source of fiber and nutrients and a range of vitamins that will help your dog to stay fit and healthy.
You should only feed Amaranth in a plain form and never any that has been mixed with other ingredients that could harm your dog, such as onions or garlic for example.
You should always monitor your dog and if he shows any signs of adverse reaction to Amaranth such as upset tummy or loose stools, then you should stop feeding it and explore other options.
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Final Words
Amaranth is a healthy and natural grain based food that both dogs and people can eat and your dog can benefit from having this food in his diet.
You should always feed something like Amaranth alongside your dog’s normal dog food and never just feed it on it’s own.
Remember that your dog is first and foremost a meat eater and he needs a range of animal based foods in his diet to remain fit and strong.
Add cooked Amaranth slowly and carefully, in small amounts at first, and always keep an eye on your dog to make sure that he is happy.