If you enjoy Chinese pork ribs then you may have wondered if it is safe for your dog to eat the meat or the bones.
Well, it really depends on how the ribs are cooked and what they are cooked in.
Dogs should not eat Chinese rib bones. Cooked bones can splinter and these can cause internal blockages and other injuries. It is always best to keep rib bones out of reach from your dog and to avoid feeding them.
Can dogs eat rib bones?
In general dogs should not eat Chinese spare rib bones.
While ribs are a good source of protein, unless the bones are really soft, they can splinter and cause digestive or other health problems for your dog.
Additionally spare ribs often have a high fat content which can lead to weight gain and are often covered in sauces which may contain ingredients that are harmful to dogs.
Should you be worried if your dog eats a rib bone
If your dog manages to get a rib bone and eat it then you should not be too worried.
In most cases, the bone will just pass through their digestive system without any problems.
However, if your dog is showing signs of discomfort or pain then you should take them to see a vet as soon as possible as they may have an obstruction.

Can my dog have raw rib bones
Although raw bones are more suitable it is still not a great idea to let your dog have them.
Raw bones tend to be less brittle than cooked bones and are less likely to splinter but there is still a risk that this could happen so, really it’s best not to let dogs have them.
If you do want to give your dog a bone then the best types are solid, knuckle type bones that will not break into tiny, sharp shards or pieces.
What to do if your dog eats a rib bone
Firstly, don’t panic. It’s unlikely that your dog will experience any difficulties but it will be important for you to keep an eye on him in the event that he does experience problems.
The biggest risks that bones present is that of splintering and choking and if you see any symptoms then it is really important for you to get help, from your vet, as quickly as possible.
In most cases your dog will be fine but, if you have any doubts or concerns then call your vet.
So, in conclusion, it is best not to give your dog Chinese spare rib bones, either cooked or raw.
There are other types of bones that are better suited for dogs and will not cause them any health problems.
If you are unsure what kind of bones are suitable then always ask your vet for advice.