It’s not uncommon for dog owners to wonder if their canine companions can eat certain fruits and vegetables.
Today, let’s take a look at figs; are they good for your pup or should you avoid them altogether?
Should dogs eat figs?
Figs are a popular fruit among humans, but can dogs eat figs too?
The short answer is yes! Dogs can safely consume figs in moderation.
As with all human foods, keep the portion size small and only feed your dog ripe figs.
Unripe figs can cause an upset stomach or diarrhea due to their high-fibre content.
Additionally, watch out for accidentally ingestion of the tree’s leaves, sap, and bark as those can be toxic to your pet.
The benefits of eating figs
In general, there are plenty of benefits associated with adding figs to your dog’s diet – just like there are benefits for humans.
Figs have been proven to help anti-inflammatory effects when eaten regularly by your pet.
This is due in part because these fruits contain antioxidants that work against cell damage from free radicals.
Further still, it appears that figs may offer an additional benefit in terms of digestive health.
Not only do they contain dietary fibre which helps cleanse the body and promote regularity but they also possess natural prebiotic properties which help keep your pet’s gut flora balanced and healthy.
Because of this, feeding figs can naturally assist digestion when compared to other processed treats containing artificial fillers and preservatives which do more harm than good over time.

Are there any risks associated with feeding your dog figs?
Generally speaking, most risks associated with feeding your dog human food come from overfeeding rather than the actual ingredients themselves.
If you feed too much of anything at once then it could lead to indigestion or even an upset stomach in some cases.
When it comes to figs specifically though you do want to be wary about soil residues since this fruit often grows in areas with higher levels of air pollution than other produce sources like carrots or apples.
Therefore make sure you properly wash fresh figs properly before.
Additionally watch out for accidental ingestion of tree leaves/bark/stems as these parts may be poisonous depending on species grown locally near you.
How to safely feed figs to your dog
Overall safety guidelines when feeding any type of new food to your pup remain consistent, always introduce new items one at a time and observe how they react after consuming it before offering larger amounts later on down the road.
When it comes specifically to fig consumption however here are some quick tips:
Stick with low glycemic varieties (e.g., Mission or Smyrna) instead of high sugar-content types like Adriatic or Calimyrna ones
Wash fresh fruits first before serving in order reduce potential contaminants
Watch out for seeds when eating dried varieties
Opt for organic whenever possible (this does not necessarily apply only for fig consumption).
Final Words
There you have it – now you know all about feeding figs to your dog.
As always, if you have any concerns or uncertainties then always talk to your vet to get their professional advice.