Garlic is a popular herb that is often used in cooking, and it’s also thought to have some health benefits.
But can dogs eat garlic?
And if they can, is there a limit to how much they should have?
Dogs should not eat garlic or any other plants from the allium family. Garlic and it’s family members contain a compound that damages red blood cells and dogs, unlike humans, are unable to counter the effects of this enzyme. Garlic is poisonous to dogs.

What happens if a dog eats garlic?
Eating garlic can cause anemia in dogs.
Anaemia is a condition where there is not enough oxygen being carried in the blood.
When this happens, symptoms such as weakness, lethargy, rapid heartbeat, and collapse can occur.

If your dog has eaten garlic, it’s important to seek veterinary attention immediately.
At best your dog will have a period of diarrhea and, at worst eating garlic could be fatal.
How much garlic is poisonous to dogs?
There is no set amount of garlic that is considered poisonous to dogs.
It depends on the size of your dog and how much garlic they have eaten.
A small amount of garlic is not likely to cause any problems, but eating large amounts could be fatal.
If you’re unsure whether your dog has eaten garlic, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and seek veterinary advice.
Can dogs eat any other plants from the allium family?
No, dogs should not eat any other plants from the allium family, such as onions, leeks, or chives.

These plants contain the same compound that damages red blood cells, so they are just as poisonous to dogs as garlic.
If you think your dog has eaten any of these plants, it’s important to seek veterinary attention immediately.
While garlic may add flavour to our food, it’s important to remember that it is poisonous to dogs and can cause serious health problems.
Can dogs eat food cooked with garlic?
It’s best not to give your dog any food cooked with garlic, as even a small amount could be poisonous.
If you’re unsure whether a dish contains garlic, it’s always best to check with the chef or cook before feeding it to your dog.
Can dogs eat garlic bread?
No, dogs should not eat garlic bread.
Garlic bread is usually made with garlic butter, which contains high levels of garlic.

Even a small amount of garlic butter could be poisonous to dogs, so it’s best to avoid giving it to them altogether.
Can you give a dog garlic for fleas?
No, you should not give your dog garlic for fleas.
While garlic is thought to be a natural flea repellent, it can also be poisonous to dogs.
There are many other natural and safe flea repellents that you can use, so there’s no need to take the risk with garlic.

If you’re looking for a natural way to keep fleas away from your dog, try using a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar.
Just pour it over your dog’s coat and massage it in, then let them air dry.
You can also add a few drops of lavender or eucalyptus oil to the mixture to help repel fleas even further.
Can dogs eat garlic powder?
No, dogs should not eat garlic powder.
Garlic powder is a concentrated form of garlic, so it’s even more potent than fresh garlic.
Even a small amount could be poisonous to dogs.
What about wild garlic?
Wild garlic (Allium ursinum) is a member of the allium family and is just as poisonous to dogs as regular garlic.

If you think your dog has eaten wild garlic, it’s important to seek veterinary attention immediately.
What are the symptoms of garlic poisoning in dogs?
The symptoms of garlic poisoning in dogs can vary depending on how much garlic they have eaten.
Symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, weakness, anaemia, and collapse.
If you think your dog has eaten garlic, it’s important to seek veterinary attention immediately.
Final words
Garlic is not safe for dogs to eat and, if you give garlic to your dog then you could kill him.
Do not feed any foods that contain garlic or that have been cooked in garlic and, if your dog accidentally eats garlic then you should speak to your vet straightaway to get their professional advice.