Over the summer months there is often a large variety of fruits that we don’t see at other times of the year and one of these is strawberries.
A lot of people clean their strawberries and cut off the tops and they would like to feed them to their dogs.
So, is it a safe option for your dog?
The short answer is yes, dogs can eat strawberry tops as long as they are not fed too frequently. Strawberry tops are good for dogs they are full of good nutritional properties and, if fed in moderation they can be a nice addition to your dog’s diet.
Can dogs eat strawberries?
Yes, dogs can eat strawberries in moderation. Strawberries are not toxic to dogs and can be a healthy treat in small amounts.
They are low in calories and contain antioxidants, fibre, and vitamin C.
However, it’s essential to introduce any new food into your dog’s diet gradually and in moderation to monitor for any adverse reactions.
Strawberry nutrition facts
Strawberries are a great source of a wide range of vitamins and other important nutrients that are beneficial to your dog.
They contain vitamins C and K along with high amounts of fibre, folic acid, manganese and potassium and a high water content.
Additionally the fruit provides a significant range of other nutrients that cause the fruit to turn red and have some great benefits.
A 100g serving of strawberry tops will provide
- 30 calories
- 0.5 grams of fat
- 6.1 grams of carbohydrate
- 3.8 grams of fibre
The abundance of vitamins and nutrients means that strawberry tops can be a good addition to your dog’s diet but that does not mean that you can feed them too frequently.
Adding strawberry tops to your dog’s diet
Strawberries can help in the following areas:
Contribute to a healthy balanced diet
Great source of vitamins C and K and other important nutrients
Can help to reduce joint inflammation
Supports a healthy heart
Some dogs will happily consume strawberries and their tops in large quantities if they are allowed to.
As well as their nutrients, strawberry tops contain high levels of sugar and, even though this is natural sugar, if you feed too many to your dog he is likely to gain weight.
How to feed strawberry tops to dogs
You should always wash and clean the tops thoroughly to make sure that you have got rid of any pests and pesticides that may have been used on the fruit.
Cut the tops and any remaining stem into small pieces, remember that stems could cause choking, so, best to remove as much stem as you can.
Mashing them is also a good way to feed strawberries and strawberry tops to your dog, give them a good mash with a fork and serve them as a ‘goo’ which your dog will love.
Remember also that dogs aren’t as fussy as people so you can even mix these into his regular food.
I’m not sure how this will taste but my dogs don’t seem to mind the taste experience!

Introduce the fruit slowly
Whenever giving a new food to a dog it’s important not to overface him or give him too much.
A sudden change in a dog’s diet can lead to tummy upsets and diarrhea – which we discuss in this article.
Introduce the strawberry tops to your dog on their own. You should always do this with any new food so that you can monitor your dog’s reaction.
Never introduce more than one new food at a time.
Try one or two tops and see how your dog fares. If he shows any symptoms of being unhappy or has an upset stomach then it’s probably best to hold off feeding this fruit until after you’ve spoken with your vet for advice.
If your dog enjoys the strawberry tops then you can increase the amount that you give to him but use them as a special treat and don’t feed too often.
Wash Thoroughly: Ensure the strawberries are washed thoroughly to remove any pesticides or chemicals.
Size Appropriateness: Cut them into appropriate sizes to prevent choking, especially for smaller dogs.
Moderation is Key: Only feed your dog a few strawberries at a time to avoid any gastrointestinal upset.
Avoid Added Sugars: Ensure that the strawberries are fresh and not canned or in syrup, as added sugars are not healthy for dogs.
Monitor Your Dog: Keep an eye on your dog for any signs of allergies or discomfort after eating strawberries.
Can puppies eat strawberry tops?
We would never suggest feeding any fruit to growing puppies or dogs that are unwell or pregnant.
For the very simple reason that these dogs need all nutrition that they can get from the normal dog diet which is based on animal proteins and fats.
It is unlikely that there would be any bad effects if you did feed them but, due to their ages and health and development needs we would not recommend it.
Can dogs eat strawberry leaves?
While strawberries themselves are generally safe for dogs to eat in moderation, the leaves might not be as safe.
There isn’t a lot of detailed information available about the safety of strawberry leaves for dogs, but it’s commonly advised to stick to feeding your dog the fruit part of the strawberry and avoid giving them the leaves.
Things to avoid when giving your dog strawberries
You should only ever give your dog fresh strawberries and their tops, never feed any that have gone soggy or have any signs of mould.
Only feed proper, fresh strawberries, avoid feeding those that come out of a can that have added sugar and syrup as these could harm your dog.
Don’t ever feed strawberries that are covered in chocolate, chocolate is poisonous for dogs and you could make him seriously ill or worse.
Never feed too many strawberry tops as too much of any food can upset your dog’s stomach and make him unwell.
Watch for adverse reactions
Always monitor your dog when introducing him to a new food such as strawberry tops. Some dogs can be allergic to certain foods.
Should there be any signs of skin complaints or irritation, vomiting or diarrhea then you should not feed the food anymore and you should get professional advice from your vet.
If your dog is on a special diet or is receiving treatment for a medical condition then you should always check with your vet before making any changes to his diet, which would include introducing strawberries and their tops.
Should I feed my dog strawberries?
Ultimately the decision to feed strawberries to your dog is yours but, while the fruit is safe for your dog, it is not a substitute for a balanced diet.
If your dog is fed a healthy, dog friendly, nutritional and balanced diet, then there is little, if any need, to give strawberries to your pet.
Can dogs eat strawberry tops?
Yes, dogs can eat strawberry tops in moderation. However, it’s important to remove the leaves and stems, as they can be hard to digest and may cause stomach upset.
Are strawberry tops safe for all dogs?
While strawberry tops are generally safe for dogs, some dogs may have individual sensitivities or allergies. It’s recommended to introduce small amounts and keep an eye on your dog’s reaction. If any adverse symptoms occur, consult your vet.
How should I prepare strawberry tops for my dog?
Before feeding strawberry tops to your dog, make sure to thoroughly wash them to remove any dirt or pesticides. Take off the leaves and stems, as they can pose a choking hazard or cause digestive issues. Chop the tops into small, bite-sized pieces to make them easier to eat.
How much strawberry tops can I feed my dog?
Strawberry tops should be given as an occasional treat and not as a main source of nutrition. It’s best to offer small amounts at a time, usually no more than a few pieces. Remember, moderation is key to avoid stomach upset or diarrhoea.
What are the benefits of feeding strawberry tops to dogs?
Strawberry tops are a good source of fibre, antioxidants, and vitamin C. They can contribute to your dog’s overall health and provide a tasty, low-calorie treat option. However, they should only be given as part of a balanced diet, alongside regular dog food.
Final Words
Strawberry tops can provide a wide range of important vitamins and nutrients into your dog’s diet.
They can be very beneficial and help your dog to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You should only feed them in moderation and they should not be used to replace normal dog food.
Use them as part of your dog’s balanced diet to help him to get the most from them.