Should you let your dog sniff on walks?
Dogs love to sniff everything but should you let your dog sniff when out on walks?
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Even with the healthiest dog can become unwell or have some problems so we take a look at some of the more common issues and offer information to help.
Dogs love to sniff everything but should you let your dog sniff when out on walks?
Is it a good idea to let your dog lick your wounds and injuries or is it an old wives’ tale?
Have you ever wondered why your dog circles before he lies down? Well, it turns out that there are a few reasons.
Grooming your puppy is an important activity that you should begin early. Find out how with our simple advice.
Rolling in poo is a pastime that many dogs enjoy, but just what is the attraction of becoming so smelly?
You work or you’re heading off on a trip where the dog cannot be with you. How do you find someone to take care of your pet?
In warm conditions ticks and fleas can cause lots of problems for dogs so how do you reduce the risks?
Kennel cough can cause serious illness for some dogs and is highly contagious and you may wonder if you can walk your dog if he has it.
Dogs can suffer from constipation but there are some simple things that you can do to help them.