Spaniel Training and Dog Care

Health and Care

Even with the healthiest dog can become unwell or have some problems so we take a look at some of the more common issues and offer information to help.

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  • How much do Brittany spaniels shed? What you can expect

    How much do Brittany spaniels shed? What you can expect

    One thing that many potential Brittany spaniel owners consider is what levels of shedding do this breed have? This is what you can expect. How much do Britanny spaniels shed? Brittany spaniels have a flat and wavy coat that sheds moderately. Like most spaniels the Brittany sheds hair all year round but, with weekly brushing…

  • Which Makes Better Dog Houses – Wooden Or Plastic?

    Which Makes Better Dog Houses – Wooden Or Plastic?

    Your pet deserves the best things in life, but that doesn’t mean they can get up on the furniture, or go rooting through the rubbish, or chew on your shoes. Yes, sometimes that dog just needs to go outside. But that doesn’t mean it has to be a kind of punishment. Dog houses, wooden and…

  • Can dogs have wasabi? Why you should never feed it

    Can dogs have wasabi? Why you should never feed it

    Wasabi is a type of horseradish that comes from Japan and is popular in Japanese cuisine. It is known for its spicy flavour. Most people only eat wasabi in small amounts with sushi or sashimi. When you order food from your favourite Japanese place, you are likely to get wasabi included. Although wasabi will not…

  • Are conkers poisonous to dogs? You need to know this

    Are conkers poisonous to dogs? You need to know this

    It is a crisp autumn evening and you are taking your dog for a walk. Kids are playing a game of conkers and your dog suddenly decides to eat one of those conkers. A million questions are running through the mind while you are watching your dog for choking. One of those surely is are…

  • Foolproof ways to give dogs pills. Discover how to do it.

    Foolproof ways to give dogs pills. Discover how to do it.

    Dogs seem to have an uncanny knack of knowing when you are about to try and give them a pill. Whether it is the smell, your body language or doggy intuition, your dog will often be aware of when the wormers are coming out. Getting a dog to take pills can be tricky but, with…

  • Why are dogs noses black?

    Why are dogs noses black?

    Discover the intriguing reasons behind the black noses of dogs. Explore the science of genetics, the role of melanin, breed-specific traits, and how environmental factors influence this distinctive canine feature. Dive into a world of canine curiosities and learn how a dog’s nose colour can reflect its health and well-being. A must-read for dog lovers…