Cocker spaniels are one of the most popular dog breeds, and they’re known for being loving and loyal companions. But do they drool?
Just like all dogs, Cocker spaniels have saliva in their mouths that helps them to keep their teeth clean and healthy. And while they don’t tend to drool as much as some other breeds, they can certainly produce a fair amount of saliva when they’re excited or eating.
Why do dogs drool?
Dogs produce saliva for a variety of reasons, including to keep their mouths clean and healthy and to help them digest their food. But the main reason that dogs drool is because they’re excited or nervous.
When a dog is excited, their heart rate increases and they start to pant. This panting helps to cool them down, but it also causes them to produce more saliva.
And when a dog is nervous, they may start to lick their lips as a way of self-soothing. This can also lead to drool.
Dogs will often drool at mealtimes
You’ll often see your spaniel drooling at mealtimes normally when he anticipates being fed.
If your dog is prone to begging for your food ( and most dogs are ) then you’ll probably see him dribbling with drool as he watches you eat.

Do Cocker spaniels drool a lot?
While all dogs produce saliva, some breeds drool more than others.
Cocker spaniels definitely fall into the category of dogs that drool relatively little. In fact, many Cocker spaniel owners say that their dogs rarely drool at all.
So if you’re looking for a breed of dog that’s not going to leave your furniture covered in drool, a Cocker spaniel might be a good choice.
Just keep in mind that they may still drool a bit when they’re excited or nervous.
How to stop a dog from drooling
If you have a dog that drools a lot, there are a few things you can do to help reduce the amount of saliva they produce.
First, try to keep your dog calm and relaxed. If they get too excited, their heart rate will increase and they’ll start to pant and drool more.
So try to take things slow and avoid situations that might make your dog anxious.
You can also feed your dog smaller meals more often throughout the day. This will help to reduce the amount of saliva they produce when they’re eating.
Finally, make sure your dog has plenty of fresh water to drink. This will help to keep their mouth and teeth healthy, which can reduce the amount of saliva they produce overall.
While you may not be able to completely stop your dog from drooling, following these tips can help to reduce the amount of saliva they produce.
And that means less drool for you to deal with.
Other reasons for drooling
Although drooling is normal for Cocker spaniels if your dog is producing excessive amounts of saliva then it would be a good idea to talk to your vet.
Health conditions such as tooth decay, gum infections, and other oral problems can cause large amounts of saliva.
If you are in any doubt then always get the opinion and advice of your vet.
Final Words
Cocker spaniels are lovely, loyal dogs that make great companions.
And while they do produce saliva like all dogs, they don’t tend to drool as much as some other breeds.
So if you’re looking for a relatively drool-free breed of dog, a Cocker spaniel might be a good choice.
Just keep in mind that they may still drool a bit when they’re excited or nervous.