Doggy drool, a common occurrence in every canine household that is just normal doggy behaviour.
But why do Cavalier King Charles spaniels drool and how much is too much?
Is it a problem if your Cavalier drools a lot?
Let’s take a look at the ins and outs of drooling in Cavaliers.
Drooling is a perfectly normal process that every dog experiences. There are numerous causes from the smell of great food to anxiety and stress. Dogs drool to cool down as part of the panting process too. Read on to find out more about your Cavalier and his drooling.
What is drooling and why do Cavalier King Charles spaniels drool?
Drooling is the process of producing saliva, which is mainly water, mucus, and electrolytes.
It is a natural process is part of the digestive process, which moistens food and therefore anticipates and prepares for digestion.
When Cavaliers are excited or nervous, they may drool more excessively and a classic drooling time is when food is present.
While drooling is a normal bodily function, it can also be a sign of an underlying health condition.

Normal causes of drooling
There are a few normal reasons why your Cavalier may drool more than usual.
One reason is when they are excited or nervous.
This is due to the “Pavlov reflex”, which is when drooling occurs as a conditioned response to a stimulus.
The stimulus could be anything from a walk, to a game session, to the smell of food.
In these cases, the drooling is normal and nothing to worry about.
Another normal reason for drooling is when puppies teeth are developing.
This is because their gums may be sensitive and inflamed, causing them to produce more saliva.
Cavaliers will also drool in times of stress or anxiousness and when they are in pain.
As long as the drooling is not excessive, and your Cavalier King Charles spaniel is eating and drinking normally, there is no cause for concern.
Abnormal causes of drooling
There are a few abnormal reasons that may cause your Cavalier King Charles to drool excessively.
One reason is if your dog has an underlying health condition that is causing them to drool.
This could be anything from an infection, to a foreign body lodged in the throat, to a tumour.
If your Cavalier is drooling excessively and you cannot think of any normal reason why, then it is best to take them to see a vet as soon as possible.

Another abnormal reason is if they have been poisoned.
If your Cavalier has eaten something poisonous, they may start drooling excessively as their body tries to get rid of the toxin.
If you think your dog has been poisoned, it is important to take them to see a vet immediately as they will need treatment.
When to worry about drooling
As a general rule, you should only worry about drooling if it is excessive or if there is no apparent reason for it.
If your Cavalier is drooling more than usual and you cannot think of any normal reason why, then it is best to take them to see a vet as soon as possible.
The vet will be able to carry out tests to find out if there is an underlying health condition that is causing the excessive production of saliva.
What to do if your spaniel is drooling abnormally
Remember that there will be occasions when your dog drools.
If he is hot, anxious or can smell food then the chances are that his saliva will become excessive and potentially messy.
But, if your Cavalier begins to drool when he does not usually or excessively, then this may be a cause for concern.
Some cavaliers may suffer from an underlying health condition that causes them to drool more than normal.
If this is the case, then it is important to take them to see a vet as soon as possible.
The vet will be able to carry out tests and determine if there is an underlying health condition causing the drooling.

How to minimise drooling in a Cavalier
There are a few things you can do to help your dog to reduce his levels of drooling.
One thing you can do is try to avoid situations that may trigger the drooling reflex.
This could be anything from not feeding them before a walk, to not playing with them too close to bedtime.
Another thing you can do is to help keep their gums healthy and free from inflammation.
You can do this by brushing their teeth regularly and using a dog-friendly toothpaste.
Finally, if your cavalier is prone to stress or anxiety, you can try some calming techniques such as dog yoga or aromatherapy.
Remember, also, to talk to your vet. Your dog is likely to be perfectly healthy and he may simply be a ‘drooler’. Many spaniels are, and, with some professional support, the symptoms can be managed and reduced.
Final Words
In summary, drooling is a normal bodily function but it can also be a sign of an underlying health condition.
If your Cavalier King Charles spaniel is drooling excessively and you cannot think of any normal reason why, then it is best to take them to see a vet as soon as possible.