When it comes to Cavalier King Charles spaniels, there are a lot of things that people tend to wonder about.
One of the most common questions is whether or not these dogs can jump.
After all, they are known for being companions and lap dogs rather than a dog that has a reputation for high levels of activity.
Consequently, a lot of people are surprised to learn that these dogs are able to jump quite high when given the opportunity.
Cavalier King Charles are pretty good jumpers for their size. However, they are not known for being particularly high jumpers. If you want your cavalier to get some exercise, you can try teaching them to jump over small objects like a broomstick or low fence.
How high can a Cavalier King Charles jump?
While every dog is different, most Cavalier King Charles spaniels are able to jump between two and three feet high.
This means that they are able to clear obstacles that are taller than them with some ease.
However, it is important to note that cavaliers, unlike other spaniel breeds, are not known for being particularly athletic dogs.
This means that they are not going to excel at activities that require a lot of running, jumping, or swimming.
If you are looking for a dog that is going to be able to keep up with you on long hikes or runs, then a Cavalier King Charles spaniel is probably not the right breed for you.

How do you train a Cavalier King Charles to jump?
If you want to train your Cavalier King Charles spaniel to jump, it is important to start slowly and work your way up.
Begin by having your dog jump over small objects like a broomstick or low fence.
When out walking with your Cavalier look for low obstacles such as low walls that your dog can easily get over.
Step over the obstacle and encourage your spaniel to follow you using the command ‘get over’ or something similar such as ‘jump’ so that your dog associates the word with the act of getting over the obstacle.
Make sure that you always praise your Cavalier when he has got over the obstacle using a treat or lots of fuss to encourage him and reinforce the behaviour.
As they get more comfortable with jumping, you can increase the height of the object that they are jumping over.
As your Cavalier gets better at jumping over obstacles, try different things such as gates, fences and other obstructions, always encouraging him and showing him the best way to get over.
Can all Cavalier King Charles spaniels jump?
Unfortunately, not all Cavalier King Charles spaniels are able to jump well.
Some Cavaliers may have short legs in comparison to their body which can make it difficult for them to jump high.
Other Cavaliers may be obese, and this can be a common problem with this breed, making it difficult for them to jump.
Elderly dogs or dogs that have long standing injuries will struggle to jump onto furniture or into the car and these dogs will need help when they have to negotiate obstacles.
Why do Cavalier King Charles spaniels jump?
Cavaliers may jump for a number of reasons.
One of the most common reasons is that they want to play.
Jumping is a great way for Cavaliers to let off some energy and have fun.
Cavaliers may also jump when they are excited or happy to see their owner.
This is often seen when cavaliers are reunited with their owner after being separated for a period of time.
Cavaliers may also jump up in an attempt to get attention or food from their owner.
Do Cavalier King Charles spaniels make good jumpers?
While Cavalier King Charles spaniels are not known for being particularly high jumpers, they are still able to jump quite well for their size.
This makes them good jumpers compared to other dog breeds.

Is it important for a Cavalier to be able to jump?
This really depends on you, your dog, where you live and what things you and your dog do.
There is no harm in teaching your Cavalier to jump and who knows when this ability may be helpful for you or your dog?
If you enter any form of spaniel competition or other event with your Cavalier then it is highly likely that being able to jump will be advantageous.
Whatever the reason for wanting to train your Cavalier King Charles spaniel to jump, it is important to remember to start slowly and increase the difficulty of the jumps gradually so that you do not overload or injure your cavalier.
As always, if you are unsure about anything, it is best to consult with your veterinarian.
Final Words
Whether you want to teach your Cavalier King Charles spaniel to jump for fun, sport or competition, it is definitely possible.
Remember to start slowly and increase the difficulty of the jumps gradually.
If you are unsure about anything, always consult with your veterinarian.
Most importantly, have fun.