Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are beautiful and intelligent dogs that thrive on mental stimulation and playtime. Incorporating toys into their training routine is an effective and enjoyable way to teach them new commands. By combining playtime and toys, you can make the learning process fun and engaging for your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Using Playtime to Reinforce Commands
Playtime can be an excellent opportunity to reinforce the commands your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has already learned.
During play sessions, you can integrate the commands into the activities, making it a natural and enjoyable experience for your furry friend.
Let’s explore some ways to utilize playtime effectively:
Fetch: Incorporating “Sit” and “Stay”
Playing fetch is a fantastic game to reinforce the “Sit” and “Stay” commands.
Before throwing the ball, ask your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to sit and stay. Once they are in position, throw the ball and encourage them to fetch it.
After they bring the ball back, reward them with praise and a treat. This game helps solidify their understanding of these basic commands while keeping them active and entertained.
Hide and Seek: Practicing Recall (“Come”)
Playing hide and seek with your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an enjoyable way to reinforce the “Come” command.
Have someone hold your dog while you find a hiding spot in your home or garden. Once you are hidden, call your dog’s name followed by the command “Come.”
Encourage them with excitement and praise when they find you. This game reinforces their recall skills and strengthens the bond between you and your pet.
Tug of War: Building Strength and “Drop It”
Tug of war is a fun game that can help build your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s strength and teach them the “Drop It” command.
Start by using a tug toy specifically designed for dogs. Engage in a gentle game of tug, but occasionally ask your dog to “Drop It.”
When they release the toy, reward them with praise and continue playing. This game teaches them impulse control and the importance of releasing objects when commanded.
Using Toys to Introduce New Commands
Toys can serve as valuable tools when introducing new commands to your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They provide a tangible and interactive way to communicate the desired behaviour.
Let’s explore some techniques for using toys effectively:
Clicker Training: Associating Sounds with Commands
Clicker training is a popular method that utilizes a small device that makes a distinct clicking sound.
Start by associating the sound of the clicker with positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise.
Once your dog understands the connection, you can use the clicker to mark the desired behaviour when introducing a new command.
For example, if you are teaching your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to “Lie Down,” click the moment they perform the action correctly and then reward them with a treat.
Top Rated Treat Dispensing Toys (marked out of 10)

Treat Dispensing Toys: Rewarding Correct Responses
Treat dispensing toys are excellent for teaching your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel new commands.
These toys are designed to hold treats inside, requiring your dog to interact with them to access the treats.
When introducing a new command, use the treat dispensing toy to reward your dog for performing the correct behaviour.
For example, if you are teaching the “Roll Over” command, place a treat inside the toy and give it to your dog when they successfully roll over. This reinforces the desired behaviour and makes learning more enjoyable for your pet.
Puzzle Toys: Encouraging Problem Solving
Puzzle toys are a fantastic way to stimulate your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s mental abilities while teaching new commands.
These toys usually have hidden compartments or mechanisms that require your dog to figure out how to access the treats or rewards inside.
When introducing a new command, incorporate a puzzle toy into the training session. For instance, if you are teaching the “Shake Hands” command, hide a treat inside a puzzle toy and let your dog figure out how to retrieve it using their paw.
This engages their problem-solving skills and reinforces the command through a rewarding experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use any toys for training my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel?
While you can use a variety of toys, it’s important to choose ones that are safe, durable, and appropriate for your dog’s size and age.
Avoid toys with small parts that can be easily chewed off and swallowed. Look for toys specifically designed for interactive play and training.
How do I select the right toy for a specific command?
When selecting a toy for a specific command, consider the action or behaviour you want to reinforce. For example, if you are teaching the “Stay” command, a durable chew toy that keeps your dog occupied can be useful.
If you are teaching the “Jump” command, a toy that encourages jumping or chasing can be beneficial. Tailor the toy to the specific behaviour you want to reinforce.
Can I use playtime and toys to teach complex commands?
Yes, playtime and toys can be used to teach complex commands. Break down the command into smaller steps and use toys to reward each step of the process.
For example, if you are teaching the “Fetch Newspaper” command, start by teaching your dog to pick up a toy and bring it to you. Gradually transition to a newspaper-like object and reinforce the behaviour with playtime and treats.
How long should each playtime and training session be?
The duration of playtime and training sessions depends on your dog’s attention span and energy levels.
It’s generally recommended to keep sessions short and engaging, ranging from 10 to 15 minutes. If your dog shows signs of fatigue or loss of interest, take a break and resume later.
Should I use a specific command word for each toy?
Using consistent command words for each toy can help your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel understand and associate the desired behaviour with the specific toy.
For example, if you have a toy ball for the “Fetch” command, always use the word “Fetch” when introducing and playing with that toy. This consistency aids in clarity and comprehension.
Can I use playtime and toys for older Cavalier King Charles Spaniels?
Absolutely! Playtime and toys are beneficial for dogs of all ages. It’s never too late to introduce new commands and engage your older Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in playful learning experiences.
Adapt the activities to their physical abilities and preferences.
Conclusion and final thoughts
Using playtime and toys to teach your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel new commands is an effective and enjoyable approach to training.
It not only enhances their mental stimulation but also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend.
By incorporating play and interactive toys into their training routine, you create a positive and rewarding learning environment.
Remember to select safe and appropriate toys, break down commands into smaller steps, and always reward your dog for their efforts.
Enjoy the process of teaching your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel new commands while having fun together.