Diarrhea can be a common problem in dogs of all breeds. Dogs are classic scavengers and will eat literally anything that they find which resembles a cheap or tasty meal.
Often our dog’s diet is not what we would ideally like it to be and he can end up with diarrhea.
When this happens may people ask what can you give a dog to stop diarrhea?
There are a number of ways to deal with diarrhea in dogs. Rice water is a great way to stop diarrhea and it also helps your dog to re-hydrate. Rice water is the cream coloured liquid left when you’ve boiled white rice in water. Simply boil some rice, keep the water and cool it, then give it to your dog to drink.
If you are looking for a quick, out of the box cure, we found a great natural product on Amazon that stops diarrhea fast. You can get it at this link: Diarrhea Remedy & Recovery for Dogs
What is the most common cause of diarrhea in dogs?
Dogs are opportunist scavengers and spaniels are no exception. What may seem disgusting to you could be an interesting a free meal for your dog.
Dogs will eat almost anything but not everything is good for them and they can end up with upset stomachs resulting in diarrhea.
Your spaniel can develop diarrhea from a number of sources which can include eating garbage, soiled food, dung or droppings from other animals such as sheep or horses.
Also consuming things that are not supposed to be eaten such as toys, fabrics, plastic and foreign objects can also lead to problems.
There are also a number of things that can cause diarrhea in dogs and these include guardia, worms and parvovirus among others.
Often diarrhea can occur in other circumstances too.
If your dog gets chilled, for example after swimming or cold weather or if you’ve changed his food too quickly, then these can lead to upset tummies.
What should I do if my dog has diarrhea?
Firstly, if you are worried or your dog displays other symptoms such as listlessness, lack of energy or interest or if the diarrhea has been ongoing for more than 24 hours – you should see your vet.
Treating dog diarrhea takes a similar route to treating the illness in humans.
You should make sure that your dog has access to lots of clean, fresh water. Replace the water after he has drunk from it with fresh water.
If you have other dogs or pets then don’t let them drink from the same bowl while your spaniel is unwell.
The chances are that you dog’s diarrhea will have been caused by him getting chilled or by eating something that he should not have.
If the diarrhea does not begin to clear up after 24 hours then you should always contact your vet for expert advice.
Off the shelf products to help with dog diarrhea
Before you try any over the counter or off the shelf products, you should always check that they are safe for dogs.
Many human products will not work and can be very dangerous to dogs so we are reluctant to make any recommendations – you should ask your vet first.
One product that can help is this one that is available for quick delivery from Amazon. It is made just for dogs and will reduce the discomfort that your dog is in and detoxify his intestinal tract.
You can find it on Amazon at this link.
When should I be concerned about my dog’s diarrhea?
You should always seek the advice of your vet if your dog displays other symptoms such as vomiting, shaking, listlessness, lots of sleeping and more than normal levels of tiredness.
If your spaniel is not drinking then he could easily become dehydrated which can quickly become serious in dogs and you should see the vet.
Blood in the stool could just be a sign of excessive levels of going to the toilet but if you see this then you should get veterinary help.
If your spaniel is elderly, a puppy or has a preexisting health condition then the best option is to seek the advice of your vet.
If your spaniel is otherwise playing normally and seems to be the dog that you are used to then you probably don’t need to be overly concerned.
Some tender care at home should help the diarrhea to clear up quickly.

How long should diarrhea last in a dog?
If your dog has diarrhea for more than 24 hours then you should take him to the vet’s.
Diarrhea can last for several days, and it all depends upon the reason for the diarrhea and what treatment your dog is receiving.
Should I starve my dog if he has diarrhea?
If your dog has had several episodes of diarrhea then, just as you would do with humans, it is a good idea to starve him for 24 hours.
This means no meals or treats and you should keep a close eye on him when you take him out, you’ll need to monitor his toilet needs but also to make sure that he doesn’t scavange and eat things that he finds.
Make sure that he has access to plenty of clean, fresh water.
What home remedy can I give my dog for diarrhea?
Self medicating your spaniel is not something that we would recommend, you should only use medications that have been provided by your vet.
There are, however a few simple things that you can give to your dog to help aid his recovery and they are easy to prepare.
Rice water – A simple tonic of rice water or rice milk will work wonders for your spaniel.
Just take some white rice and boil it in a pan of water for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until the rice is cooked. Drain off the water, let it cool and you can put this down for your dog to drink.
Mashed potato – boil some potatoes and mash them up ( don’t add anything).
You can mix in some tuna fish, or corned beef or plain cooked chicken pieces. You can also mix in some of the rice water.
Greek yoghurt can be fed in small amounts. The probiotic bacteria can help to settle a dog’s tummy.
Hard boiled egg – mashed up with nothing added can help to settle your dog’s stomach.
Both of the above are simple to make and your dog will eat them. Make sure that you only serve small amounts and always clean his dish thoroughly afterwards.
The idea is to feed as bland a food as possible, don’t add any butter, milk, salt or anything else ( apart from perhaps the tuna ( in water ) or corned beef etc.
Does peanut butter help dogs with diarrhea?

No, it can make it worse.
Peanut butter is often used as a popular snack for many dogs and as a filling for things such as some Kong dog toys.
In most cases peanut butter is fine to feed to dogs but there are some that, like people, can have adverse reactions to some of the ingredients.
When treating diarrhea in our spaniel we really need to feed him as bland and boring a food as possible to help him to recover.
Peanut butter is often high in fat and proteins and can actually cause diarrhea in many dogs.
It’s probably not a good idea to serve your spaniel peanut butter if he has diarrhea.
Stick to a bland diet until he gets better.
Does scrambled egg stop diarrhea in dogs?
Yes, it can help.
If you can make scrambled egg without using any type of dairy or similar products, such as milk or butter then scrambled egg can help your dog if he has diarrhea.
A better way to serve eggs to a dog with an upset stomach is to hard boil the eggs, shell them and then mash them up, mixing with some plain boiled white rice.
This is a much better way to feed eggs to your spaniel if he is unwell.
Can I give my dog banana for diarrhea?

Banana is a gentle food which is high in fiber and natural sugars.
Mashed banana can help a dog with an upset stomach and the high fiber content can help to harden soft stools.
However, if your spaniel has never eaten banana before then feeding bananas to him could have the opposite effect and you could increase his diarrhea, as he won’t be used to the fruit.
Things that can help your dog get better
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Dog Diarrhea – other considerations
If your dog has diarrhea then the chances are that he’s going to feel a little rough and unwell.
Make him as comfortable as possible and try to keep him quiet and allow him to rest and recover.
Keep walks to a minimum – the chances are he’ll want to go out to the toilet more often than normal and you should make sure that someone is around to look after his needs.
Avoid doing any training with your spaniel, just let him rest, he’ll soon catch up when he has recovered.
If you have children make sure that they know that your spaniel is unwell and needs to have quiet time and that he might not want to play.
He’ll soon recover.
Final Words
It’s a fact that dogs get diarrhea.
Normally it is nothing to worry about and you can treat it at home with some simple and basic tips.
When we think about what can you give a dog to stop diarrhea there are a number of home solutions that can help your dog.
Bland food, lots of clean water and rest are the essential needs for a dog with an upset stomach.
In all cases, you should always get professional advice from your vet.