Do you have a Cavalier King Charles spaniel that follows you around constantly?
If so, you’re not alone. Many Cavalier owners find that their dog bonds closely with them and wants to be near them as much as possible.
While some people may find this behaviour annoying, there are actually several benefits to having a dog that is always by your side.
There are several reasons why Cavaliers follow their owners around. For one, they bond closely with their owners and want to be near them as much as possible. Additionally, Cavaliers are bred to be loyal companions and thus tend to want to stick close by their human families.
Cavaliers are bred to be loyal and attached to their owners
One of the main reasons why Cavaliers follow their owners around is because they are bred to be loyal and attached to their people.
Cavaliers were originally bred as companions for nobility and thus have a long history of being devoted to their families.
This loyalty is still present in today’s Cavalier King Charles spaniels, who often become extremely attached to their owners.
They follow their owners because they want to be close to them
Another common reason why Cavaliers follow their owners is because they simply want to be close to them.
For many dogs, their human family members are their favourite people in the world and, for this reason, Cavaliers make great pets.
Consequently, they want to spend as much time near them as possible.
This can often be seen when Cavaliers rest their heads on their owner’s legs or snuggle up close to them on the couch.

Cavaliers feel safer when they’re around their people
Many Cavaliers follow their owners because they feel safer when they’re near them.
This is particularly true for dogs who don’t feel confident when left alone.
For these dogs, being near their owner provides a sense of security and helps to reduce anxiety.
Additionally, following their owner can help Cavaliers stay close to potential sources of safety and protection.
Cavaliers are very friendly and love spending time with their families
Cavaliers are often very friendly and love spending time with their families.
They enjoy being around people and often feel more relaxed and happy when they’re in the company of those they love.
This can make them want to follow their owners around so that they can stay close to their favourite people.

Following their owner can help Cavaliers stay calm
For some dogs, following their owner helps to keep them calm and relaxed.
This is often the case for puppies and young dogs, who may become overexcited when left on their own.
Additionally, many older dogs find that following their owner helps to ease boredom and loneliness.
It’s a sign of affection
Finally, following their owner is often a sign of affection.
For many dogs, being close to their owner is a way to show how much they love and appreciate them.
This can be seen when Cavaliers rest their heads on their owner’s laps or give them gentle kisses.
Final Words
Many Cavaliers follow their owners around because they want to be close to them, feel safer when they’re around, and enjoy spending time with their families.
Additionally, following their owner can help Cavaliers stay calm and relaxed.
It’s also a sign of affection for many dogs.
If you have a Cavalier King Charles spaniel that follows you everywhere, make sure to take advantage of all the benefits this behaviour has to offer.